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Techniques to Structure PermaLink | SEO Friendly Permalink

In On-Page Optimization, we have to perform different Techniques like Meta Tag Optimization, Keyword Placement, Robots Tag to Optimize our Blog and Blog-Post. Besides them, there is a creative Technique in On-Page SEO that is PermaLink Structuring or PermaLink Building.

SEO friendly Permalink Building techniques

Hello, Friends Today in this Blog-Post we will talk about How to Build an SEO Friendly URL Structure or PermaLink? How to set Custom PermaLink in Blogger? what is the importance and advantage of PermaLink Building in SEO, How does the PermaLink affect on Ranking factor of a Blog or website?

What is PermaLink?

An URL or Link that is linking to a Blog-Post or that is directing you to a webpage is commonly known to be PermaLink.

The common structure of a PermaLink is Domain Name ( then a piece of URL that may include either Published Date of a Blog-Post or Title with Category and sometimes PermaLink may also include both Published Date as well as Title (such PermaLink structure can be seen in BlogSpot).

Permalink is one of the key factors that may vary the rate of Traffic and Page Rank of a website. If you get success in customizing an SEO friendly PermaLink then you will get a better result in ranking.

How PermaLink affects ranking in SEO?

In SEO PermaLink structure of a Blog-Post should be easily and clearly understandable to both users and Search Engine Spiders and a Perfect SEO Friendly PermaLink helps both visitor and Search Engine Spider to know what is inside the page or core meaning of a page. 

And while crawling Search Engine crawler also crawl URL for relevant Keywords and such a website having more relevant Keywords will be displayed in SERP and thus this will drive more Organic Traffic to that website.

How to set SEO Friendly Custom PermaLink in Blogger?

While writing a Blog-Post in Blogger you may have seen a Right Sidebar in Blogger named as "Post settings". 

how to set SEO friendly custom permalink
Source: Blogger

Here you can see PermaLink structure is automatic and the PermaLink is too lengthy and not optimized. Like I have Automatic Permalink:

Now to change the current structure of PermaLink click on "Custom Permalink". Add an Optimized Title to your PermaLink URL, include your main Keyword and Category on the PermaLink URL and add minus sign (-) while customizing structure of Permalink URL  like "SEO-Friendly-PermaLink-Building.html".

To write SEO Friendly PermaLink you have to make a short URL Length and the text in URL should include Uppercase, Lowercase letter, and also include Space between the words. Space can be maintained by adding minus sign (-) between words. 

Add category name on URL if it is possible. Include your main Keyword on the URL structure.

Techniques to Structure PermaLink | SEO Friendly Permalink Techniques to Structure PermaLink | SEO Friendly Permalink Reviewed by bipin on June 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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